David is not going to go away any time soon, so you may as well just buy this book now, and get it all over and done with.
This time he has presented for your entertainment: Interpreted Fiction and Exaggerated Fact
Dealing with the usual diverse (repetitious) range of topics:
¤ Feelings and Emotions (Love and Forgiveness)
¤ Relationships (Old...! New...? Good... Bad...)
¤ Depression (Nothing but Buts and Sad)
¤ Not-Depression (Goals, Promises, and Treatment)
¤ Biblical (Hell! Why? and Opposites‽)
¤ Time (The Past, the Now, and the Future)
¤ Me (Autism, Old, Mad, or Normal?)
¤ Not-Me (Entitled, Unknown, and Donald)
¤ Writing (Letters, Words, and Poetry)
¤ Music (Nothing but Parodies)
¤ Leftovers (Colours, Concepts, and Chuckles)
¤ Not-Poetry (Rants, Disease, and Stupid Stuff)
Bringing the Rhyming and Structure back to Poetry. #Reclaimed