CREATIVE FICTION THAT FITS ON A POST-IT BUT CAN MOVE READERS WITH POWERFUL TALES OF LOVE, LIFE, DEATH, AND EVERYDAY LIFE In this one-of-a-kind collection, author Sean Hill has crafted hundreds of engaging stories that conjure an entire novel in just a sentence or two. Sometimes sad, often humorous and always creative, these tales touch on a wide range of life experiences from romance and family to death and sex.
Nana rocked in her old wooden rocking chair. "Timmy, you have always been my favorite," she said. He looked at her. "Nana, I'm Bobby." Read your diary, discovered your secret. I thought I loved you, but now I'm not sure. Don't know what to do, you look so human. Clowning was Daryl's profession, cooking was his passion. Stella thought he was perfect. She liked to laugh and never learned to cook. Alex bought Sharon a ring for Valentine's Day, which she sold to buy the gun that stopped him from loving her. In 2009, Sean Hill combined his love of writing and technology by creating @VeryShortStory, a Twitter feed where he interacts with his readers and shares his 140-character stories.