One fateful night, Miguel Garcia arrived at a deserted cemetery and was greeted by his new nemesis, Bryce Riley. Attacked and transformed into a vampire, Miguel escaped the evil clutches of Bryce and began to terrorize the small town of Westport. He saved the life of India Monserate and the two began a new relationship. Fearing that the past of his rival would destroy their love, Miguel researched the history of the town and of the Riley family. India learned the truth about Miguel and ended the relationship. Their separation from each other only ignited their passion and they are eventually reunited. Jealous of his protégé's new love, Bryce battles Miguel for the ultimate prize of India's love.
Discover what happens when two worlds collide between a human and a vampire. Experience hope, loss and faith as these two lovers battle a sinister vampire and demons from the past to prove that true love can endure any obstacle and conquer all.