The free-spir-it-ed, 19-year old Tsilke has spent her whole life in the for-est, but what hap-pens when the out-side world, with its strange rules and social oblig-a-tions, begins to encroach on her syl-van idyll? Segalovit-sh's 1922 nov-el-which scan-dal-ized and enter-tained a gen-er-a-tion of Pol-ish-Jew-ish read-ers, and left its mark on the pop-u-lar imag-i-na-tion-cement-ed his posi-tion as one of the most pop-u-lar Yid-dish writ-ers of the inter-war peri-od.
"Segalovitsh [...] is unfailingly in dialogue with his own shadow." - Itsik Manger "Packed with emotions." - Rokhl Korn "Incomparable [...] Segalovitsh doesn't write like the rest of us." - Yehoshua Perle