We now know that a cataclysmic event almost wiped out humanity thousands of years ago. There is abundant evidence that an advanced civilization existed before that event. What was that world like?
This is the first book of an alternate history depicting the world before the global flood. Bill McKay, a time traveler from our modern world, travels through time to land in a beautiful world with a pleasant climate and abundant food, where exotic people and dinosaurs cohabitate. A paradise.
Despite the idyllic conditions, Bill witnesses the violence and corruption of the people firsthand, reminding him of his world with its incessant war, death, and destruction.
A charismatic man claims to have received a word from God that the planet will be destroyed by a Great Flood. Is he actually on the earth before the Flood? Is this Noah? Bill has doubts about the man but not the man's commitment to his mission. The man persists in his efforts to warn the people despite many threats to his life and the persecution he suffers.
Has Bill really arrived in a world that will soon be destroyed? What can he do? Bill strives to change history to avoid the worldwide catastrophe that occurred in his world's past. Can history be changed?
"It is a romantic fictional account with unexpected plot twists--very creative... the author's Army battle training and experience are used to provide lots of real-life detail in the book's battle scenes." Ric Routh, CEO, B4Worldview 2024 BookRaid Best Seller--Christian Fiction