The Royal Descents comprises Volume Three of Dr. Justin Glenn's The Washingtons: A Family History, a comprehensive multi-volume work covering fifteen generations of the "Presidential Branch" of the Washingtons. This study includes more than 63,000 descendants of the immigrant John Washington, who settled in Westmoreland County, Virginia, in 1657, married Anne Pope, and became the great-grandfather of President George Washington. The Royal Descents volume traces the ancestry of the early Virginia members of this "Presidential Branch" back to the nobility and royalty of England and continental Europe, including the Plantagenet dynasty, William the Conqueror, Alfred the Great, and Charlemagne. It also adds lines of descent from fourteen of the twenty-five Barons who served as Sureties to compel King John to ratify the historic Magna Carta in 1215.
Future volumes will trace generations eight through fifteen, making a total of over 63,000 descendants. Although structured in a genealogical format for the sake of clarity, this is no bare bones genealogy but a true family history with over 1,200 detailed biographical narratives. These in turn strive to convey the greatness of the family that produced not only The Father of His Country but many others, great and humble, who struggled to build that country.