Smart teachers know that increased school budgets and taxes do notalways lead to better educational programs and services. Classroomsare often the last to receive any additional funding. As classroomleaders and innovators, teachers are increasingly seeking grants tohelp finance classroom improvements or school reform mandates. Theprocess of winning grants, however, is a time-consuming andcompetitive venture. The challenge is even greater when teachers donot have their own grantseeking processes in place.
This step-by-step primer takes the guesswork out of grantseeking.It shows teachers how to select the right funding sources, organizeproposal ideas, write a convincing and well-prepared proposal, identify who will evaluate the proposal and the scoring system theywill use, and efficiently implement the proposal when the grantfunds are won. Based on time-proven techniques and usefulstrategies, The Teacher's Guide to Winning Grants reveals howteachers can obtain the inside information they need to increasetheir chances of grant success. With this knowledge, teachers candevelop effective grantseeking methods that will enable them tosecure funds and move their schools in the direction they want.