Traditional explorations of war look through the lens of history and military science, focusing on big events, big battles, and big generals. By contrast,
The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspective views war through the lens of the social sciences, looking at the causes, processes and effects of war and drawing from a vast group of fields such as communication and mass media, economics, political science and law, psychology and sociology.
Key features include: - More than 650 entries organized in an A-to-Z format, authored and signed by key academics in the field
- Entries conclude with cross-references and further readings, aiding the researcher further in their research journeys
- An alternative Reader's Guide table of contents groups articles by disciplinary areas and by broad themes
- A helpful Resource Guide directing researchers to classic books, journals and electronic resources for more in-depth study
This important and distinctive work will be a key reference for all researchers in the fields of political science, international relations and sociology.