A leading politician and anti-apartheid campaigner turns the spotlight to Rhino conservation in this riveting and timely thriller. In the last decade more than 6,000 rhinos have been killed in South Africa. Relentless poaching for their horns has led to a catastrophic fall in black rhino numbers. Meanwhile, a corrupt South African government turns a blind eye to the international trade in rhino horn. This is the background to Peter Hain's brilliantly pacey and timely thriller.
Battling to defend the dwindling rhino population, a veteran freedom fighter is forced to break his lifetime loyalty to the ANC as he confronts corruption at the very highest level. Hell-bent on catching the poachers and exposing their trade, the veteran and his young "born free" colleague hatch a plan to install a GPS tracking device inside a replica horn in an attempt to locate its destination.
The stakes are high. Can the country's ancient rhino herd be saved from extinction by state-sponsored poaching? Has Mandela's "rainbow nation" been irretrievably betrayed by political corruption and cronyism?