This book develops a contemporary metaphysics of morals. Currently the liberal tradition defines the field of moral and political theory. It contains the popular utilitarian, the deontological, and the virtue-ethics approaches to normative theory; and by a broad dialectical negation, it also defines the historical materialism of Marx. The Puritan Smile circumvents the Liberalism-Marxism dialectic with the Puritan emphasis on responsibility and their social definition of individuality. To this core of classical puritanism is added the deeply rooted sense of culture and the vast historical experience of Confucianism with which it resonates strongly.
The need for tolerance and the celebration of liberty is asserted by Neville in order to offset the tendencies toward dogmatism and totalitarianism inherent within the Puritan and Confucian views. The book integrates a Puritan sense of participation with a Confucian sense of moral obligation and a liberal appreciation of freedom and tolerance.