Toast a marshmallow, be a tree in winter, read braille -- Paul B. Janeczko and Richard Jones invite you to enjoy an assortment of poems that inform and inspire. Today I walked outside and spied a hedgehog on the hill. When she and I met eye to eye, she raised up straight and still. Be they practical (how to mix a pancake or how to bird-watch) or fanciful (how to scare monsters or how to be a snowflake), the poems in this book boast a flair and joy that you won't find in any instruction manual. Poets from Kwame Alexander to Pat Mora to Allan Wolf share the way to play hard, to love nature, and to be grateful. Soft, evocative illustrations will encourage readers to look at the world with an eye to its countless possibilities.
Contributors include:
Kwame AlexanderCalef BrownRebecca Kai DotlichMargarita EngleRalph FletcherDouglas FlorianHelen FrostMartin GardnerCharles GhignaNikki GrimesAnna E. JordanKarla KuskinIrene LathamJ. Patrick LewisMarjorie MaddoxElaine MagliaroPat MoraChristina RossettiMonica ShannonMarilyn SingerRobert Louis StevensonCharles WatersApril Halprin WaylandSteven WithrowAllan Wolf