★Are you looking for a sustainable HIGH-PROTEIN DIET to have all the proteins on the menu without having to eat meat?★
★★Would you like to be healthy but eating delicious PLANT-BASED HIGH-PROTEIN food at the same time? ★★
★Are you a vegan who wants to keep his protein intake higher? ★
★★Congratulations, you've come to the right place then. This is the book for you!★★★
With Plant-Based High-Protein Diet Cookbook - You will learn how to cook tasty, healthy dishes thanks to our many easy and fast recipes.
Well, here comes a high protein plant-based diet that is perfect for all the vegans who are into sports, athletics, or bodybuilding and who want to build their muscles strong and huge.
This cookbook brings you all the plant-based high-protein alternatives that will help you nourish your muscles and gain the much-needed body mass.
Nature is a great healthy source of protein and many plant-based foods have even more protein than meat. Furthermore, this food contain vеrу lіttlе Carbаѕ соmраrеd tо mеаt, thаt, as we know, can elevate сhоlеѕtеrоl lеvеlѕ аnd іnсrеаѕе thе rіѕk оf a hеаrt аttасk.
The plant-based recipes shared here will leave you with delicious ideas to incorporate adequate amounts of protein, fats, and carbs into your diet.
A small taste of what you'll learn in this book:
What Is a High-Protein Plant-Based Diet?
Ways to get protein when you are on a plant-based diet
The best methods to eat the right amount of the plant-based protein every day
Plant-Based Supplements
What to Have on a High-Protein Plant-Based Diet?