This is my journey to the Cross. My journey to the Cross is found in the seeds that John Knox, WIlliam Tyndale and many of whom gave thier lives to reform our faith from the religion of men and suffered for. Some even losing their lives in the most horrible of deaths. But they birthed in the heart of the British people the courage that defeated the most evil dictator in WWII and now in this book I unstop the well they had dugged in this great nation so that the waters of the way of the Cross can be drank by those who hear the voice of the Spirit of God.
It is the redemptive healing process that God our Father purchased for those who love the story of man's redemption. It is my journey. It is the beginning and not the end of that journey.
You Must First See The Light In The Darkness Before You can See The Darkness In The Light.
I write this book as a synopsis to work out my battle with depression after satanic ritual abuse within the church and also to use it as a tool to help point others in the right direction. Around 2014 and during a stay in hospital the diagnosis of bipolar became a label that explained two attempts at suicide. 1 in 4 people will develop mental health and have problems in their lives and 1 in 6 people report experiencing mental illness. Many who develop mental illness are stigmatized by those around them. They lose friends and paid work. I was stigmatized with the Traditional Church.