In the quaint town of Hollowfield, where cobblestone streets bear witness to both age-old legends and contemporary hopes, a chilling curse looms. Every Halloween, the ghostly Midnight Rider, a cursed knight named Sir Tristan, rides through town seeking revenge for his unjust death. With every ride, a life is taken, its mark a mysterious symbol on the victim's neck.
Enter Jake, a discerning journalist, and Lily, a keen-eyed photographer. Initially skeptical, they find themselves embroiled in the mystery after witnessing the Rider's terror firsthand. Guided by the wisdom of the town's historian, Mrs. Maple, the duo embarks on a perilous journey to break the curse. Utilizing ancient talismans, sound frequencies, and the collective strength of the Hollowfield community, they confront the Rider in a climactic battle on the old town bridge.
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