In this riveting new action fantasy series, an ordinary guy named Ray White somehow gains admission to Arnold Academy of Magic, a school for elite magicians. But could he be connected to the mighty Iceblade Sorcerer of legend? An addictive manga with a classic feel sure to appeal to fantasy and isekai fans alike, from the editorial team behind
FAIRY TAIL 100 Years Quest and
Shaman King: FAUST8. A Twisted Fairy TaleRay and his friends host their outrageous maid café at the Arnold Academy Culture Festival, but Rebecca is notably isolated from her peers. Her engagement to the much older Evan Bernstein brings dread instead of fairy tale dreams. Rebecca's sister Maria enlists Ray to stop the exploitative arranged marriage. Unbeknownst to them, there's another member of the Seven Great Sorcerers to aid in their cause. As more belligerents crawl out of the woodwork, can the Iceblade Sorcerer come to the rescue as the knight in shining armor?