In this riveting new action fantasy series, an ordinary guy named Ray White somehow gains admission to Arnold Academy of Magic, a school for elite magicians. But could he be connected to the mighty Iceblade Sorcerer of legend? An addictive manga with a classic feel sure to appeal to fantasy and isekai fans alike, from the editorial team behind
FAIRY TAIL 100 Years Quest and
Shaman King: FAUST8. The Grim Reaper Lurks
Magicus Chevaliers competition is underway, and excitement is building up to the marquee battle between rival front-runners Amelia, from
Arnold Academy, and her nemesis Ariane, from Diome. Ray is proud of his work as Amelia's coach and confident she can win it all. Meanwhile, there is an
underground entity plotting to destroy the
Iceblade Sorcerer, and Ray is thrown into a high stakes unofficial battle at the
Magicus Chevaliers. Who are the mysterious enemies claiming to be
harbingers of death, and how will Ray slay these grotesque antagonists?