An examination of renowned theorists Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen's independent and collaborative films, and how they intersect with feminism, film theory and psychoanalysis. This book focuses on renowned theorists Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen's independent and collaborative films, and how they intersect with feminism, film theory, and psychoanalysis.
The aim of the volume is broadly threefold: to encourage further study of Mulvey and Wollen's contribution to the theory and practice of experimental film; to draw attention to their script's value as written texts; and to challenge a common misconception that their individual and collaborative film-making practices end at the close of the 1970s. The historical overview provided by Mulvey in her introduction underscores the sense that her and Wollen's individual and collaborative films were the result of sustained attempts to make political films under rapidly changing economic and political conditions.