UPDATED FOR 2022! Are you a Pastor or Elder team looking for an effective way to IDENTIFY, ASSESS, and EQUIP men for the role of Biblical Eldership?
If so, this could be the resource you've been looking for. You know that the role of Elder is perhaps one of the most important roles in the world, since the church is both the body and bride of Jesus. That means that church leaders like you need more than surface opinions about the men you're considering for the role of Elder. You need a way to identify, evaluate, and train those candidates effectively.
This workbook-style handbook is designed to help you that, in a wise, careful, and thoroughly biblical way.
SUGGESTED USE: - A one-year process & plan is outlined and suggested.
- One on one discipleship format - to enable you to truly know each candidate.
- In an "open door" context, allowing candidates to bow out gracefully at any time.
- A Pastor or existing Elder can work with each candidate (you'll need a copy of the workbook for each person).
- The developed-in-the-trenches story of how the Elder Training Handbook came to be.
- Biblical teaching on the vital nature of the role of Elder - both the call and responsibilities.
- Teaching about the Biblical qualifications each Elder candidate must meet - both external and internal.
- Essential knowledge an elder must have...
- The authority of Scripture.
- Basic Doctrine.
- Personal Disciplines & Spiritual Practices.
- Clarity about the message and communication of the Gospel.
- 272 in-context questions for candidates to consider as they go through the workbook.
- Scripture memorization assignments.
- A strategic evaluation process that includes feedback from the Elder team, the candidate's spouse, and the entire church family.
- Self-assessment exercises.
- A spousal assessment template.
- A pastoral evaluation form.
- An Elder team evaluation checklist.
- Congregational "Meet and Greet" suggested questions for the candidate.
- A congregational evaluation packet to copy, distribute, and use.
CONTEXTS WHERE THE HANDBOOK WILL PROVE HELPFUL: - Adding elders to an existing elder team, session, or body
- When an existing elder team needs to bring others onto their team
- Training of existing elders to clarify the role, responsibilities, and heart of eldership
- Men's discipleship training in preparation for serving as an elder
This handbook is not offered as a magic formula or fool-proof method for finding or equipping men for the role of Elder. No such thing exists. Scripture clearly teaches that men are only appointed to the role of Elder by the determination of the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28).
Instead, this handbook is designed to serve as a tool in that Spirit-led process. It is
an aid in discerning the will of the Spirit, first through assessment of the man being considered, and secondly through training for those who appear to be called to serve as Elders.The Elder Training Handbook is a serious-minded tool for you to use in discovering, encouraging, and equipping men to shepherd, protect, and lead the New Testament church.