This hands-on guide explains no-nonsense techniques on how to develop a well-balanced and well-planned food plot and deer management program that will enhance your deer hunting success tenfold. Peter J. Fiduccia has successfully planted food plots for deer and other wildlife for more than thirty-five years. His know-how will help hunters and land managers attract bucks and does to food plots when hunters want to see deer most: during the daylight hours of deer season. Fiduccia's sage advice is practical, easy-to-understand, and apply. This food plot authority divulges more than 201 wildlife plants and late-dropping fruit and nut trees to attract deer. Daniel E. Schmidt, the Editor-in-Chief/VP of
Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, said, "Fiduccia's insights will help you grow bigger bucks, healthier does, and better food plots."
With more than 500 full-color pictures--and 460 pages--this all-new definitive guide focuses on straight-forward methods to help hunters plant successful wildlife food plots year after year. Fiduccia, a.k.a. "The Deer Doctor," helps novice and seasoned food plot veterans take their wildlife food plot programs to the next level. He includes a wide array of conventional and non-traditional plantings for deer and includes all the information you need to grow consistently productive food plots. Included in this must-have planting volume are such topics as:
- Fruit Trees Are Food Plots Too!
- Small Plots - Big Dividends
- Nut Trees In a Nutshell
- Varieties of Late-Dropping Fruit Trees
- Brambles, Shrubs, and Vines for Food and Cover
- Advantages of Planting Mixed Seed Plots
- Specific Plantings for Wild Turkeys, Waterfowl, and Upland Birds
- Clover Varieties That Survive and Thrive Throughout the Winter
- The Under Rated and Under Used Millets
- The Extraordinary Chestnuts
- Growing Better Incredible Edible Brassicas
- Fail-Safe Small and Large Grain Plantings
- Top-Notch Grasses for Deer
- More Than 60 Retailers For Food Plot Seeds
- More Than 40 Sources for Food Plot Trees
- Helpful Listing of Food Plot Consulting Services
This practical guide, with totally up-to-date information on planting food crops in a world of global warming and a changing climate, will help you take your planting skills and deer management knowledge to the next level for better deer hunting and a healthier herd.