There is no doubt that seeking a remedy with the Quran and the authentic Prophetic prayers is very beneficial and leads to a complete recovery from the disease.
The whole of the Quran is a healing and a cure. It is the complete remedy for all the diseases of the hearts (spiritual diseases) and bodies (physical diseases) and also from the diseases of this world and the Hereafter. But not everyone is successful in obtaining a cure of their disease with the Quran. When the patient is cured by Allah of his disease because of his sincerity and belief, complete acceptance, decisive conviction and applying all the conditions, the disease will not continue forever. Is it possible for a disease to resist the words of the Lord of the Heavens and the earth? If these words of Allah were to be revealed upon the mountains or upon the earth, then these mountains would split and the earth would be rent asunder (split). So, for every disease of the bodies and hearts the Quran has the way to cure it. The Quran is the means to find protection for the person whom Allah has granted comprehension of these verses. Allah mentions the diseases of the hearts and bodies, and their remedy in the Quran.
Along with this a person can seek a cure with the authenticated Prophetic Ar-Ruqya (Prophetic supplications and traditions for curing illness). This is the most useful cure, especially when one persists in the treatment. These Prophetic Prayers are an enemy of the affliction itself since it drives it away, cures it, prevents it to descend or alleviates it. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The supplication benefits what Allah has decreed and what He will decree."
O servants of Allah! Invoke Allah frequently. Nothing can prevent Allah's Decree except invocation, and nothing can prolong life except goodness.
This book describes and explains the prayers which will heal and cure the person afflicted with sickness, sorrow, grief, distress, and anxiety. The teachings and books of scholars such as Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq-al-Badr and Shaikh Sayeed Bin Ali Qahtani (Allah have mercy on them) have been referred to when preparing this book. If Allah wills then using the prayers in this book regularly will cure your affliction if it is done as described in the book.