In his striking author-illustrator debut, Zeke Peña offers an immersive and fantastical look at his hometown of El Paso, where the sun reigns over the vast desert and shapes all that it touches. Where the rock wall ends, the desert beyond begins. The desert is home to unique fauna and flora that have adapted to thrive under the intense sun, making it an endless landscape for two curious siblings to roam free. Old discarded tires, gnarled nopal trees that beg to be climbed, enormous rocks that demonstrate how to sit still and listen. Rain brings a welcome reprieve from the heat, followed by the mud slowly drying out on their skin, cracking like clay, until it's hard to tell where the kids end and the desert begins.
Sundust is the author-illustrator debut from the acclaimed illustrator of
My Papi Has a Motorcycle; it celebrates the bonds that develop between a person and their hometown through spare, lyrical text and dazzling desert landscapes.