Looking for Spanish Novels?I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.
You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.
You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.
A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.
But this book is not like that.Learning with
Spanish Novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult long texts with English-translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that. It will take you to the next level in less time. That means less effort and struggling towards your way to fluency in Spanish. Improving your Spanish can be lots of fun.
A Spanish Book for Intermediates (B1) Both Fun & Easy
La última cena is the book number 15 of the Spanish Novels Series. This Intermediate Spanish Reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, asking questions, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who has an intermediate command of the Spanish language can take advantage of this book. You need to know conditionals, gerund, pluperfect and simple past tenses. Besides, in this book you will find longer and more complex sentences.
A drama set in a luxury restaurant in Punta del Este, Uruguay. Celia is a despotic boss who treats badly all his employees. Nobody dares to answer back to her. Two of his employees will endure anything until the last supper given in the restaurant, before their boss leaves.This Spanish Book for Intermediates will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. This Intermediate Spanish book will definitely help you work your way up toward more advanced readings.
Why Spanish Novels
- Short sentences
- Short chapters
- Easy vocabulary
- Simple grammar
- Everyday dialogues
An Intermediate (B1) Spanish Reader in SIMPLE Spanish.From the First Chapter:
Savoir es el restaurant más exclusivo en Punta del Este. Los amantes de la buena cocina dicen que es el mejor restaurant en todo Uruguay. También es uno de los más caros. Una cena en Savoir está entre 200 y 300 USD, sin contar la bebida. Pero para los que van a comer allí eso no es mucho dinero. La mayoría son políticos, artistas u otras personas famosas. Apenas llegan al restaurant los recibe el maître. Luego, Celia les da la bienvenida y se queda conversando con ellos.
Celia es la dueña de Savoir. A ella le gusta decir que es la dueña y la chef del restaurant. Pero la verdad es que el verdadero chef es uno de los cocineros. Celia ni siquiera diseñó el menú y la carta del restaurant. Aunque eso nadie lo sabe.
Hoy es sábado por la noche y el restaurant está repleto de gente. Todo el Jet set de Argentina y Uruguay está presente. Celia saluda a todas las personas que van entrando, una por una. Recibirlos en su restaurant la hace sentirse una más del grupo. Cuando está entre ellos se siente famosa y poderosa.Do you really want to learn Easy Everyday Spanish? Scroll up and click the BUY button!