From the legendary Leiji Matsumoto, along with Jerome Alquie, comes an epicnew story! Set within the timeline of the original series, this brand-newCaptain Harlock adventure marks the beginning of a new story arc. Planet Earthis threatened by an upcoming invasion by the Sylvidres and despite beingbanished as a pirate, Captain Harlock won't give up trying to save the world.This time, the source of danger comes directly from Earth, not outer space. Ateam of scientists discovers a Sylvidres mausoleum where they find informationabout terrifying genetic manipulations and a destructive power capable of eitherproviding the Sylvidres with immortality or putting an end to theircivilization. The unprecedented cold spell hitting Earth might only be a tasteof what this new enemy has in store...
Will Captain Harlock and his crewmanage to solve this mystery and save the Earth from yet anothermenace?