Recently, several people have asked me about publishing. As a result, I decided to write a book or actually a booklet outlining the information I have gathered about the subject. This way, rather than repeating myself countless times, I can send those inquiries to my book.
In many cases, this is precisely what my writing has been about - putting down my thought so they can be shared with others. Come to think about it that has always been the purpose of penning your thoughts. Now we have the mechanism to share those thoughts with people on a global scale like never before.
In fact, as you will discover in this small book, publishing your manuscript has never been easier. You can do it yourself or engage others to do it for you. The decision is up to you and how much you want to be part of the process. Or, in my case, how much disposable income I had to make it happened - not much.
Even pinning your thought has never been less complicated. Tapping your thoughts on your phone and engaging a "ghostwriter" is easy and does not have to break the bank.
In other words, if you have ever dreamed of sharing something with the world at large, now is the time to do it.