Smart Tips on setting up a realistic budget that works for yourindividual circumstances
Smart Ways to stick to your budget, establish savings, investwisely, and develop good credit
Smart Advice on overcoming previous credit problems, choosing theright bank, and finding a trustworthy broker or accountant
* Smart Advice on the most effective ways to take control, planahead, and stop living paycheck to paycheck
* Smart Tips for getting the best rates on credit cards, buying orleasing a car, and purchasing a home
* Smart Insights on maximizing your health and life insurancebenefits, reducing your taxes, and ensuring that your estate goesto your heirs rather than to the government
* Quick reading and easy referencing with a comprehensive index andloads of sidebars and tables
Alfred and Emily Glossbrenner have written more than fifty bookstogether, including Online Resources for Business and Making MoreMoney on the Internet. They live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.