OVERCOME your personal mind wars. YOU ARE IN AN INTERNAL WAR with an invisible giant who isrelentlessly assaulting your thoughts, draining your energy, andkeeping you from living a meaningful life. Deep down you'rea lover of God and are aware of your incredible potential, butyou've run into an intimidating giant that has you blocked.
Negative thoughts are like invisible giants that live in the mind.Your thoughts will either strengthen or undermine the courageand confidence of your heart. They don't carry swords and spears, but they sabotage your thinking and keep you from God's best.
You can defeat these giants for good. Slings and Stones looks at the classic underdog story of David andGoliath to help you see that you can be like young David, whodefeated his giant. You can deconstruct the negative thoughts andattitudes that have infiltrated your mind, face down your giants, and triumphantly take hold of God's plan for your life.