Sir John Moore is perhaps the second most famous British soldier of the Napoleonic Wars after the Duke of Wellington, yet his remarkable career has been neglected in comparison to his celebrated contemporary. His death in battle at Corunna overshadows the wide range of his earlier campaigns and his achievements as an innovative soldier. Janet Macdonald's fluently written and insightful biography focuses on the development of his character as well as his career as a commander. From it emerges a many-sided portrait of a fascinating man and an outstanding soldier, a key figure in the history of the British army.
Admired by his peers but distrusted by his political masters, Moore was a controversial figure. He is best known for saving the British army in Spain by leading the retreat to Corunna, but he is also credited with developing the training system that enabled Wellington's army to beat the French in Spain and at Waterloo. Janet Macdonald's account will rekindle interest in a leading actor in the struggle against the French revolutionary and Napoleonic armies.