The use of sage has been documented throughout history and in many civilizations. Native Americans have used sacred sage smudging rituals for millennia to cleanse the body, a space, and an area's inhabitants of negative energy.
Blue Sage has a wide range of healing and magical qualities. The metaphysical qualities of blue sage are out of this world. Blue Sage, like White Sage, purifies environments, objects, and people of negative energy.
Exorcism rituals sometimes include Blue Sage because of its capacity to exorcise evil spirits and draw in spiritual power. Blue sage's tendency to attract money makes it an excellent choice for use in wealth and abundance rituals.
While White Sage is the most widely used sage for smudging, Blue Sage has many advantages over it. Blue sage is often used in prosperity rituals, money spells, and abundance mantras because it attracts money.
Blue Sage smudging is an excellent choice for any prosperity or abundance ritual. The metaphysical characteristics of Blue Sage bring success to those who use them.
This GUIDE explores smudging with blue sage for prosperity and abundance as a religious ritual among the indigenous peoples of our globe today. As a result, it should not be treated as fun or be taken lightly.
If you think you can practice this with doubt in the back of your mind or use it as a joke, it would be deemed disrespectful to the civilizations that originated it. Modern society has taken this practice seriously, and more and more people are embracing it as a way of life.