RACHEL'S JOURNEY...the thrill ride continues! In a secret government detention facility...On the dusty, despair-filled streets of a small town in Mexico...In a humble rural home, and an exclusive Manhattan high-rise...Forces are gathering, in Heaven, in Hell and on Earth, preparing to wage a war for the ultimate prize: the fate of humanity. It's VICTOR has long been declared, but as the VANQUISHED falls how many casualties will he pull into the fires with him?
"The second soul-shaking installment in the Tara's Journal series reveals greater insights about the nature of good and evil in the worlds around us, both physical and spiritual, and the ultimate meaning of faith." (Sean Cameron-The Crew Reviews)
If you like the Harry Potter series, the Twilight series and Lord of the Rings series, you will love this series!If you want to learn the truth about how Angels and demons interact in our daily lives you will enjoy RACHAEL"S JOURNEY!