With informative, detailed captions accompanying each image explaining the origins, habitat, and behavior of these unmistakable hunters, Rabbits is a vivid pictorial guide in brilliant photographs. Often associated with spring and Easter, fluffy bunnies and rabbits are also synonymous with undeniably cute animals. You may have read
The Velveteen Rabbit as a child or seen
Bambi--where rabbits are portrayed as sweet, sympathetic characters. However, wild rabbits are relatively independent and territorial creatures, making them prone to aggression when they have not been domesticated as household pets. In
Rabbits, you'll learn about the many breeds found across the world, from the Riverine rabbit, solitary and nocturnal, one of the most endangered animals in the world, to the French Angora, docile and sociable, often bred for the long hair of its coat, known as Angora wool. Not only are they the adorable household pets that many of us know and love, in this book you will discover rabbits as powerful animals, photographed in their wild natural habitats--they adapt to survive and ruthlessly hunt their prey.