PICAFLOR is the sequel to
SPIRIT MATTERS, a San Diego Book Award winner and an Award-Winning Finalist in the National Best Book Awards.
PICAFLOR chronicles the two decades since of Matthew (Mateo) J. Pallamary's adventures in
SPIRIT MATTERS through the mountains, deserts, and jungles of North, Central, and South America pursuing his studies of shamanism and visionary experience working with plant medicines and shamanic plant diets, among them Ayahuasca, Peyote, San Pedro cactus, and many more.
PICAFLOR is also a road map of Mateo's lifelong search for truth, healing, and transformation that further explores the way Spirit touches us in every moment of our existence, and of how most of us are caught up in the dramas that we have created in our lives that blind us to a reality far greater than anything we can imagine with our rational minds, and how this is all simply a matter of awareness.
Awareness through mindfulness is presence, which means being fully present, in the present, right here, right now, in this moment, standing in the light of truth, which is the greatest present anyone can receive in the form of inner peace, nonattachment, and ultimately freedom.
We often feel lost and abandoned in a cold and uncaring world, but in truth we live in an illusion of our own self-created exile, away from the Source of our being which has never stopped loving us -- unconditionally. Now more than ever the time has come to awaken and pass through the darkness of our fear induced slumber to embrace the light of truth and find our way back to the infinite light of love that comes to us from the Source of all creation.
Matthew Pallamary is an incarnation of a reasonable-Castaneda explorer of the barely effable on our horizons of perception!
David Brin - Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning author of
The Postman