Pho as defined is a Vietnamese-style noodle and soup dish. Well, that is the basic and boring way of looking at it. Pho is a combination of rice noodles, broth, herbs, spices, vegetables, and meat. It is a meal that can be had at any time of the day, be it breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It is also served as common street food throughout Vietnam. It is recognized worldwide, and chefs around the world have given it its own styles. Several Pho dishes are made from a combination of two or more countries' cuisine.
Although the traditional recipes remain as one of the best pho dishes, with little tricky instructions. In this cookbook, you will find various modern and traditional pho recipes. They are easy to make and the dishes themselves will be packed with bursts of flavors if you follow the instructions. It is a special treat for those who love Asian cooking styles.