The fiercest famine of all has seized the Kingdom of Saxonia, and I fear for the lives of those within its terrible grasp.
Each night, I dream of food, of sweets. Of chocolate and gumdrops. Of sugar and icing. Of gingerbread.
What might it be like to feel a full belly? To eat until the pains of hunger are far forgotten?
I have not eaten much at all for the year that the famine has devastated Saxonia.
But that is not true of all. Henkel and Gerlin are two who have continued to eat. In desperation, the children have taken toward eating people.
It's reprehensible. It's unforgivable. It's deplorable.
I will not allow it.
Enjoy a darker take on the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale.
This volume contains Of Wit and Hunger and The Cost of Extravagance.