Within each human being lingers a mischievous child, but each of us also cages an unformed primitive. We keep our individual id-monster within the tempered bars of civility, yet it remains our secret delight of a darkened, unobserved evening and we make it our fondest fetish at every available opportunity.
No matter how mightily we struggle, history scrawls with endless tales of failed self-control, so each scandal both titillates and disgusts depending upon personal sensibilities.
Indulge your inner-beast. How it roars! Of broken souls crushed between despair and revenge; of normalcy redefined to openly mock rationality; of tormented logic that inevitably spawns the very demons it maligns, and of the lone eccentric behaving oddly among us; such twisted threads weave life's strange tapestry. Of abnormalities, here encounter a boggling assortment, and of deviants, five.