If You Find Yourself Fascinated And Terrified By Zombies, Vampires, And Other Denizens Of The Night, You Still May Not Be Prepared For The Horror That Lurks On The Streets Of Boston...Nick Powers climbs into a stolen car without knowing it and gets chased by the cops on a wild ride that ends in a crash that knocks him unconscious. When he comes to he hears whispering voices, but the cops are in hot pursuit so he stumbles out of the car and runs. After escaping he sees a homeless man arguing with himself and realizes that the whispers he hears in his head are the other side of the argument. Perplexed, Nick follows the man to a homeless shelter.Max Broderick is the sole member of the U.S. Justice Department's Occult Crime Unit who the Boston Police have asked assistance from after a number of bodies have been dug up and found decapitated. Working with Lieutenant Colleen O'Grady of the Boston Police, they operate out of Dorchester's District Eleven Station investigating the bizarre aspects of their case until a series of macabre murders points toward a druid cult that appears to be connected to the same homeless shelter that Nick has been led to. While the police are investigating the high profile murders, homeless people are disappearing, but no one seems to care - except Nick.
Night Whispers By Author Matthew J. Pallamary - Book Review - THE BOOK DRAGON
Night Whispers by Author Matthew Pallamary is an interesting story blending crime and the occult. The main protagonist Nick Powers, hears a whispered voice after he suffers concussion following the crash of a stolen car that he was coerced into. He escapes from the crash but accidentally finds himself on the wrong side of the law, and so he must prove his innocence. But Nick is distracted by the mysterious whisperings that start up soon after, and the more he listens, the more he is convinced that the voice is connected to the sudden disappearances of the homeless, as well as a series of bizarre murders taking place.
The story moves at a good pace, with plenty of drama and tension to keep its audience entertained and turning the pages. The characters are credible and the dialogue is relevant. There are no significant issues identified that would distract and pull the reader out of the story. I enjoyed this standalone story from Author Matthew Pallamary and award a solid 4 stars.