Books based on the landmark animated series that redefined the mecha genre. Japan's most controversial anime series is over...but
not the manga version of
Neon Genesis Evangelion! Series co-creator Yoshiyuki Sadamoto's personal interpretation of the
Evangelion characters and story is sure to intrigue new and old fans alike. In 2015, the Angels have returned, and Shinji Ikari, a fourteen year-old child of the new Earth, is forced by his father Gendo--commander of the secret organization NERV--to pilot the monstrous biomechanical weapon called Evangelion to match the Angels' fearsome power...
The Third Impact has come. As the unbelievably massive form of Ayanami towers over the Earth, the Instrumentality Project enters its last stages. While the world shudders in terror as it is engulfed in a sea of LCL, Shinji's consciousness merges with Lilith's, and he searches his memories for a final understanding of himself and the fate of humanity.