In this breakthrough volume, the authors present an overview of Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory along with concrete examples that educators can use in their classroom with adult literacy students. Featuring the experiences of teachers who participated in the Adult Multiple Intelligences (AMI) Study, this practical sourcebook includes:
- MI Basics--providing educators with the "basics" of MI theory: what it is and how it can inform practice.
- MI Reflections--looking at the successes and challenges involved in using MI theory in adult education, including an array of activities for exploring MI theory with students.
- MI-Inspired Instruction--discussing how MI theory can be used to develop learning experiences and instructional strategies that tap into students' intelligence strengths.
- MI-Inspired Lessons--presenting concrete examples of how AMI teachers translated MI theory into lessons and activities for language arts, learning English, writing, reading for meaning, math, science, and more.
- Discussion Questions for individual and group reflection and Classroom Experiences for trying out ideas in your own settings.