Mind Reader - The Teenage YearsThis is the suspenseful story of Emmie Walters, a teenage girl capable of mental telepathy and reading minds. She is about to embark on her junior year of high school with her closest friends. On their first day back after the summer, they are confronted with an unexpected arrival, leading to circumstances that send Emmie reeling. Amid the drama, Emmie attempts to support her best friend, Julia, who struggles to overcome her feelings for her ex-boyfriend, Blake. Will she manage to move on from him or not?
When Emmie has terrifying visions of a man she had thought she'd escaped, her focus shifts. Davian, the master mind reader, should be safely locked away in prison. But if that is the case, why is Emmie constantly seeing him appear? Is her mind playing tricks, or are the visions real? Emmie's boyfriend, Jack, tries to support her through the ordeal, but neither can find an answer. When things escalate, and Emmie is forced to face her demons once more, she loses all sense of reality, and her world turns upside down.
This book is another exciting addition to the earlier Mind Reader series, where the journey of Emmie Walters begins. Her story continues in Julia Jones the Teenage Years, where Emmie returns in book five.
While Mind Reader the Teenage Years follows on from the earlier series, it can also be read as a stand-alone. Full of drama, mystery, and romance, it's a perfect book for girls becoming teens.