An undefeated alien warrior is defeated by an unlikely foe...
Two troublesome children. When I'm caught poaching in the forests that belong to this alien warrior-king, there's only one way to avoid arrest and execution. By agreeing to serve him as my lord.
What does this alien king want with me? My job is to live in his palace and do whatever he commands of me. He says that he wants me to care for his kids. But I see the gleam in his gaze. I feel his flirtatious touch. I can sense his eyes as they wander over me.
This handsome king may have more than he bargained for. At heart, I'm a hunter. I mean I was caught on his grounds. But in the palace, with a sinfully handsome alien prince, it's him that's chasing me down. It's only a matter of time before he has my body.
And steals my heart. Once I used to be a hunter.
But now, I'm nothing but his prey. Author's Note: This is a completely standalone novel set in the Athenaverse. Even if you've never come into the Athenaverse, you'll be able to enjoy this science fiction romance that has no cliffhangers or cheating and guaranteed happily ever after!