He's the one guy I can't stand.
He's had everything handed to him while I run on coffee and bagels to achieve my goals.
Now, he's my new roommate.
I could handle Tripp McCain when we only saw each other while our friends hung out, or when we had a class together. He was easy to ignore. But then a spot opened up in the writing program and renting out my spare room was a no-brainer. Tripp wasn't supposed to be the one to show up to help me, and he sure as heck isn't supposed to walk around shirtless.
I shouldn't like it and I definitely should not have kissed him.
I'm all about giving second chances, but there's a reason the rich boy had to move in with the girl who needs money. If there's anything I've learned from reading romance novels, it's that I hope I figure it out before he packs his bags, taking my heart with him.