Romance between "swordsmen," based on a true-life adventure of a young girl determined to be a part of history. In the 1860s in Japan, a new era is dawning. During this time fraught with violent social upheaval, samurai of all walks of life flock to Kyoto in the hope of joining a band of warriors united around their undying loyalty to the shogunate system. In time, this group would become one of the greatest (and most infamous) movements in Japanese history... the Shinsengumi!
The chaos of the Bakumatsu period escalates as the Bakufu and Choshu factions come face-to-face in Hiroshima. In the midst of this volatile situation, councillor Ito continues to flirt with vice captain Hijikata. Then, when Hijikata suddenly falls ill, Sei must serve as his assistant, and the explosive relationship between the two samurai warriors is put to the test!