⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Passion erupts in this masterfully dark, enemies-to-lovers thriller from the bestselling and award-winning author—Lydia Michaels."
There is nothing more sacred than the immortal vow of bonded mates. But when Delilah Starling is transitioned against her will and taken captive by the savagely beautiful Christian Schrock, she pledges to fight his dominant rule to her very last breath.
Christian Schrock, an elder of The Order, believed it was his right to hunt and possessively claim his mortal mate. But his irrevocable actions have sparked a few challenges that he did not anticipate. Christian must now convince Delilah that she belongs to him, but the unruly, modern female refuses to see past the brutal betrayal that founded their relationship.
Subjected to living under the patriarchal reign of an ancient society, Delilah battles the oppressive traditions, refusing to submit to a life she did not choose and a man she does not love. When Delilah goes too far, there is hell to pay, but her mate and protector will not let her face the cost of her actions alone.
Lust and tension dominate this dark paranormal world where every choice comes with a consequence.
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