"A very useful guide and a must-have for anyone considering the self-publishing book and ebook process." --Emily-Jane Hills Orford for
Readers' Favorite.
There are many books telling you how to self publish your book for less than $100 or virtually free. They recommend CreateSpace or IngramSpark. Or Smashwords for ebooks. You can do that, but you will get a book that will look like it was self published and not a professional product that will compete with books from traditional publishers.
William Allan's new book will tell you:
- Why you need and how to get professional editing, cover design and page layout
- Where you can publish your manuscript
- And get online distribution for as little as $245
It also tells you which three publishers offer extensive marketing and promotion with every proposal they issue to authors. Allan's book lists 12 reasons to self publish your book and 25 ways to market your book.
The title of this book emphasizes it is aimed at finding inexpensive, quality book publishers for authors so they can market their book with confidence. With the marketing advice in Allan's book, those authors will know their book has a far better chance than most of finding an audience and being successful.
There are no guarantees in the book publishing industry today. Allan cannot and will not guarantee your book will sell thousands of copies.
What he can guarantee, if you follow the ideas in this book, is you will enter the market with a book that has all the prerequisites for success.
You will be preparing to market a book people will want to read rather than a book they will be sorry they purchased.