THE LANDMARK BOOK ON GOOD FORTUNE! Why do some people always seem to have good luck? Is it chance or can luck be learned?This easy-to-read original classic edition with an afterword by historian and New Thought scholar Mitch Horowitz will teach you a workable, practical program for increasing luck in all areas of your life and show you that luck is not chance--it can be cultivated.
How to Attract Good Luck, author A.H.Z. Carr shows you how to develop your character and choose the right opportunities available to all, but which most unthinkingly pass right by. Whether in your career or your relationships, this practical program will guide you to happiness and success as you adjust your mindset to living a life of good fortune. You will learn:
- To spot chance events that will bring luck
- The personality traits that attract good luck
- How to select lucky friends and acquaintances that bring good fortune
- To read cycles of luck and take advantage of them
- The way to attract lucky breaks and make the most of them
- How to avoid bad luck
- To place yourself in the path of fate
- Immediate steps to increase your luck in all areas of life
- How you can align your mind with patterns of behavior that attract luck
Throw away your rabbit's foot, four-leaf clover and lucky charm! This is not a guide for gamblers or a volume of superstition, but a playbook for peak performers and anyone who wants to attain the most they can from life. Luck is an accessible mindset that anyone can achieve.