In twelve days, a total of 144,000 of the most evil in the world will die at the hands of one individual. He never touches them, only says, "He awaits you." Every one of them dies an immediate tragic death. Evangelicals believe John is sent from heaven to destroy evil. The alphabet soup of global law enforcement thinks that John is a mass murder. Tom Barker is a third and occasionally second page writer for the Weekly Bundle, ever searching for the elusive front page. Tom has the exclusive story on this stranger he coined "Angel John." Tom's life will change from struggling obscurity to wealth, fame, and status for the global story on John. We followed Tom and his beloved Alice, who must go through hell to keep what they have, their true love for each other. Bitter evil will try to destroy them.
This book is a roller coaster ride of highs and lows with a sprinkling of comedic relief. Hopefully, the ending will surprise you.
The author compares this novel to Steven King's title "The Stand" where good verses evil and the eventual battle except; "He awaits you" is on steroids.
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