You know
smoking causes lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease, but you're still lighting up. To help you get on the wagon, we've compiled a list of little known ways your life can go up in smoke if you don't kick the habit.
From an increased
risk of blindness to a faster decline in mental function.
We all know that smoking is bad for our health. Despite this, some older people don't see the point in quitting because they have been smoking for so long. However, it is never too late to stop smoking and improve your quality of life.
According to the NHS, around
78,000 people die each year in the UK from medical conditions caused by smoking. It is the leading cause of preventable death and disease.
Here are some ways being a nonsmoker may affect your life: - Because smoking interferes with your sense of taste, food tastes better when you quit.
- Your sense of smell also improves, so get ready to really enjoy the scent of flowers or fresh-cut grass.
- You'll be able to make it through a long movie or an airplane flight without craving a cigarette.
- Within a few weeks after quitting, your smoker's cough will disappear and you'll have more energy.
You might think you love smoking, but the truth is more about addiction than it is about a fondness for cigarettes. That edgy feeling when the nicotine in your blood needs replenishing is at the root of what we think of as smoking pleasure. And, over time, we learn to connect smoking with most of the daily activities and events in our lives until we come to believe that cigarettes help us cope with just about everything.
Change the faulty programming cigarettes forced on you and build the smoke-free life you've been dreaming of. It's worth the work and will reward you with benefits you have yet to discover.
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