The first four installments of the action-packed Guardians of Horsa graphic novel series, which follows four young horses from clashing herds who must join forces to solve a mystery and save magic, are now available together in a collectible shrink-wrapped set. Welcome to the realm of Horsa, a world of magic, wild horses, and danger. The four elemental herds of Horsa live in uncertain peace. But their alliance is shaken to its core when a prophecy arises: somewhere in Horsa, a yearling has been born who will usher in a new kind of magic. Now, the four elemental enemies must work together to solve the prophecy and find the yearling.
Join the four young horses chosen to represent their herds on the quest as they soon discover there is more to their journey than the prophecy itself. The herds of Horsa each have secrets, terrors, and wrongdoings to hide, and the four young heroes must put aside their differences to defeat those in Horsa who are determined to see them fail.
This adventurous paperback set includes:
Legend of the Yearling The Naysayers Marked for Magic The Fire Oath