A collection of more than one hundred poems and poetic fragments from the golden age of Greek Lyric poetry. In this second edition of
Greek Lyrics, translator and editor Richmond Lattimore brings together a vast assortment of seventh-and sixth-century Greek lyric, elegiac, and iambic poetry. For the Greekless student or curious scholar, these translations showcase the diversity of poetic subjects in classical antiquity, which range from love poems to medical inscriptions and drinking songs. Gracefully and robustly translated by a number of top-tier translators, this volume includes poets such as Archílochus, Callínus, Semónides of Amórgos, Hippónax, Tyrtaéus, Mimnérmus, Solon, Phocýlides, Xenóphanes, Theógnis, Terpánder, Alcman, Stesíchorus, íbycus, Sappho, Alcaéus, Anácreon, Hýbrias, Praxílla, Corínna, Simónides of Ceos, Pindar, and Bacchýlides.