Inspired by the adventure annuals of the 50s and 60s, Flying Furballs Take-off! is a large format full-color collection of stories and fun facts for fans of the hilarious, adventure-filled series Includes:
- An exciting 25 page full-color comic (split over 4 sections)
- Maps and character bios
- How to draw Flying Furballs characters
- A look and find spread
- Cut-away diagrams of iconic WW1 aircraft
- Puzzling problems with the code-crackers at Barkly Park
- Funnies and comic strips
- Dogfight tactics and maneuvers
- And an outrageous new standalone Furballs story--an excerpt from Major Tom's autobiography High as a Kite!
Crammed with illustrations, hilarious antics, hair-raising aerobatic action and amazing facts and diagrams,
Flying Furballs Take-Off! is everything you'd expect from a Donovan Bixley book. It is a fun introduction to the world of Flying Furballs for readers new to the existing nine chapter books. Also,
Flying Furballs Take-Off! is a great continuation of the series for existing fans.