Armed with the power to control flame, Recca Hanabishi finds himself in an awkward situation when a mysterious older woman pops into his life one day. Is she good? Is she evil? What exactly does she want with the young ninja firecracker? Becoming a ninja is just a childhood dream for16-year-old Recca, until a fateful encounter reveals he has inherited ninja powers, including the ability to wield fire! As Recca learns to master the ancient ways of his ancestors, he is drawn to protect a mysterious girl named Yanagi...
The assassins' brutal tournament is finally drawing to a close. Recca's teammate Kaoru unleashes the legendary Sixth Mode of his blade, the Kôgon Ankin, against the slippery Joker. And Recca faces down his psychotic stepbrother Kurei. Their fight isn't just about who gets to take home Yanagi--it's a battle that will decide who the rightful leader of the Hokage clan really is!